How to Write a Professional Biography

بواسطة Unknown يوم Sunday, March 31, 2013 القسم : 0 comments

This page provides guidance on how to write a professional biography. The term refers to a short summation of your professional life.1 It should be less formal than a resume. It should be engaging and easy-to-read. And it should be carefully crafted to present your best self to potential employers and future colleagues or clients.
A professional biography is often your first and best introduction to potential employers. This document should be less rigid than a resume and more engaging or conversational. Make sure to write for your intended audience in a natural voice with an appropriate tone of medium formality. In an increasingly networked world, consider a web-published version of your professional biography as a major asset. Follow the steps outlined in this guide carefully in order to present your best professional self-image.
Writing and publishing a professional biography may seem like a lot of work, but the basics are very simple. In addition to everything presented in this guide, you have the advantage, hopefully, of being the world's leading authority on the topic: yourself. Take no short-cuts in creating a document that presents the best possible representation of your professional history,aspirations, and abilities.


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